About Me

I was born in the Shetland Isle on the island of Unst while my father was based at RAF Saxa Vord. We got posted to 117 S.U. Hong Kong where we lived for 3 years, we then moved back to Woodbridge where he was based at RAF Bawdsey. From there we moved on to RAF Akortiri,280 S.U. Cyprus and finally back to the UK where my Father retired in 1974 at RAF Bawdsey. I served in the RAF for 7 years then returned to civi street and now live in the U.S.A.

Since I was young enough to remember I knew my Father flew in WW II but it really did not mean much until later on in life. After doing a lot of research with today's media and technology, it has made it easier to find old comrades and other researcher's. Through them I have been able to find out about my father's history and the Squadron's and how the Typhoon Squadron's made a big differance on the battlefields with their air to ground support and how much we owe these men for there bravery.

Serving our country has been in three generations and we all served while our country was involved in a conflict

Dave Russell-Smith
Sidney Russell-Smith
Henry Russell-Smith

